scientifically best time to wake up

According to ancient hindu belief, Brahma muhurta is the best time to wake up scientifically.

Brahma Muhurta time starts 1 hour 36 minutes before the sun rises. It ends 48 minutes before the sun rises.

Why is Brahma muhurta the best time to wake up scientifically? – Improve work efficiency providing strength to mind and body. – Helpful for students in concentration and memory improvement.

– Good for overall mental health as the environment in the early morning is calm and peaceful. – Helps in regularising the body's biological cycle.

What if you are unable to wake up during Brahma muhurta? If it's not possible to wake up so early in the morning, try getting up between 6:30 to 7 a.m. at least.

Tips to get up early in the morning – Limit alcohol and other caffeine items as these can interrupt our sleep and make it difficult to wake up early in the morning.

– Go to bed early which will help in getting up early in the  morning. – Take a relaxing bath before bedtime. – Avoid heavy meals before bedtime.

– Set an alarm but don't snooze and keep it away from the sleeping bed. – Listen to spiritual soothing music before bedtime which will help you sleep easily.

– Avoid using mobile phones and watching television before bed time which can hinder your sleep. – Read books before bedtime. – Switch off the light in the bedroom before you go to sleep.

*The first step to win yourself is wake up early - by Sukant Ratnakar *Wake up early and tackle the day before it tackles you - by Evan Carmichael