

Refined oil

How Ghee or clarified butter is better than refined oil for health

Rich in vitamin A, K, E and Butyric Acid ghee is the best food for our gut health, hair, skin and brain.

Why should one include ghee in daily diet? – Ghee or Clarified butter improves digestion. – It tastes good even when eaten raw.

– It has high amount of linoleic acid which help in improving the insulin resistance – Helps fight cancer. – Ghee can be stored at room temperature.

– It has very less amount of lactose, which makes it better for the people who have low milk tolerance. It has a high  amount of Calories which is helpful for athletes and active Lifestyle people.

– It is good for cell membrane strengthening which eventually helps in hair growth, better skin and good eyesight because of Vitamin A and E in it.

How refined oil is bad for health? – The chemicals used in the purification of the vegetable oil from vegetables are toxic for the human body.

– Refined oil has high amount of saturated fats which may cause inflammation in the body – Process involved in processing refined oil is harmful for the human body including respiratory system.

– It is also not good for people with diabetes and kidney problems. – Regular use of refined oil can cause cancer, obesity, reproductive problems and gastrointestinal issues.

Conclusion – Ghee is always better than refined oil. – One should daily use ghee  but in moderation.

– Pure ghee is better than the market ghee. So, it is better if you prepare ghee at home. – Use olive oil or mustard oil instead of refined oil.